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色图 资源与环境经济学系

发布日期:2024-11-05 22:26    点击次数:175


Ji, X.*, et al. Mutual complementarity of arable land use in the Sino-Africa trade: Evidence from the global supply chain. Land Use Policy. Accepted.

Ji, X.* et al. Legislation improvement alleviates the decooupling between welfare and wealth in China. Ecological Economics, 2022, 201: 107592 .

Ji, X.* et al. Global value chain participation and trade-induced energy inequliaty. Energy Economics, 2022,112:106175.

Ji,X.* et al. Reconsider Policy Allocation Strategies: A Review of Environmental Policy Instruments and Application of the CGE Model,Journal of Environmental Management,2022,323: 116176.

Long, X., Ji, X.*. Economic growth quality, environmental sustainability, and social welfare in China-provincial assessment based on Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). Ecological Economics, 2019, 159: 157-176. (IF="5.389," Q1, Cited 25)

Ji, X.* Liu, Y., Han, M., Meng, J.. The mutual benefits from Sino-Africa trade: Evidence on emission transfer along the global supply chain. Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 263: 110332. 色图 (IF="6.789," Q1) 

Ji, X.*, Long, X. A Review of the ecological and socioeconomic effects of biofuel and energy policy recommendations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 61: 41-52. (IF="14.982," Q1, Cited 53)

Ji, X.*, Liu, Y., Meng, J., Wu, X.*. Global supply chain of biomass use and the shift of environmental welfare from primary exploiters to final consumers. Applied Energy, 2020, 276: 115484. (IF="9.746," Q1) 

Ji, X.*, Luo, Z.. Opening the black box of economic processes: Ecological Economics from its biophysical foundation to a sustainable economic institution. The Anthropocene Review, 2020, 7(3): 231-247. (IF="4.182," Q2)  

Ji, X., Han, M.*, Ulgiati, S.*. Optimal allocation of direct and embodied arable land associated to urban economy: Understanding the options deriving from economic globalization. Land Use Policy, 2020, 91: 104392. (IF="5.398," Q1) 

Ji, X.*, Yao, Y.X., Long, X.L.. What causes PM2.5 pollution? Cross-economy empirical analysis from socioeconomic perspective. Energy Policy. 2018, 119: 458-472. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 82, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

Long, X.L., Ji, X.*, Ulgiati, S.. Is Urbanization eco-friendly? An energy and land use cross-country analysis? Energy Policy. 2017, 100: 387-396.  (IF="6.142," Q1) 

Ji, X.*, Ren, J., Ulgiati, S.. Towards urban-rural sustainable cooperation: Models and policy implication. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 213: 892-898.   (IF="9.297," Q1)

Ji, X.*, Chen, B.*. Assessing the energy-saving effect of urbanization in China based on stochastic impacts by regression on population, affluence and technology (STIRPAT) model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 306-314.  (IF="9.297," Q1, Cited 56)

Wu, X.D., Guo, J.L., Li, C., Chen, G.Q.*, Ji, X.*. Carbon emissions embodied in the global supply chain: Intermediate and final trade imbalances. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 707: 134670. (IF="7.963," Q1) 

Wu, X.D., Guo, J.L., Ji, X., Chen, G.Q.*. Energy use in world economy from household-consumption-based perspective. Energy Policy, 2019, 127: 287-298.  (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 19)

Wu, X.D., Ji, X., Li, C.H.,Xia, X.H., Chen, G.Q.*. Water footprint of thermal power in China: Implications from the high amount of industrial water use by plant infrastructure of coal-fired generation system. Energy Policy, 2019, 132: 452-461.(IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 16)

Ji, X.*. Taking the pulse of urban economy: From the perspective of systems ecology. Ecological Modelling, 2015, 318: 36-48. (IF="2.974," Q2) 

Han, M.Y., Shao, L ., Li, J. S., Guo, S., Meng, J., Ahmad, B., Hayat, T., Alsaadi, F., Ji, X.*, Alsaedi, A., Chen, G.Q.. Emergy-based hybrid evaluation for commercial construction engineering: A case study in BDA. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 47: 179-188. (IF="4.958," Q1, Cited 19)

Ji, X.*. Ecological accounting and evaluation of urban economy: taking Beijing city as the case. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011, 16(3): 1650-1669. (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 25)

Ji, X., Chen, G.Q.*. Unified account of gas pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions: Chinese transportation 1978-2004. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010. 15(9): 2710-2722. (IF="4.26," Q1,  Cited 33)

Chen, H., Chen, G.Q.*, Ji, X.*. Cosmic emergy based ecological systems modelling. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010. 15(9): 2672-2700. (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 49)

Ji, X., Chen, G. Q.*, Chen, B., Jiang, M.M.. Exergy-based assessment for waste gas emissions from Chinese transportation. Energy Policy, 2009. 37(6): 2231-2240. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 51)

Yuan, X. H., Ji, X., Chen, H. Chen, B., Chen, G.Q.. Urban dynamics and multiple-objective programming: A case study of Beijing. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2008. 13(9): 1998-2017.  (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 35)

Ji, X., Chen, G.Q.*. Exergy analysis of energy utilization in the transportation sector in China. Energy Policy, 2006. 34 (14): 1709-1719. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 74)

Ghisellini, P.*, Ji, X., Liu, G.Y., Ulgiati, S.. Evaluating the transition towards cleaner production in the construction and demolition sector of China: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 195: 418-434. (IF="9.297," Q1, Cited 48)

Li, J. S., Chen, G. Q.*, Lai, T. M., Ahmad, B., Chen, Z. M., Shao, L., Ji, X.. Embodied greenhouse gas emission by Macao. Energy Policy, 2013. 59: 819-833. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 57, ESI Highly Cited Paper)


Zhang, B., Chen, G. Q.*, Xia, X. H., Li, S. C., Chen, Z. M., Ji, X.. Environmental emissions by Chinese industry: Exergy-based unifying assessment. Energy Policy, 2012. 45: 490-501. (IF="6.142," Q1, Cited 24)

Han, M.Y., Chen, G.Q.*, Mustafa,M.T., Hayat, T., Shao, L., Li, J.S., Xia, X.H., Ji, X.. Embodied water for urban economy: A three-scale input–output analysis for Beijing 2010. Ecological Modelling, 2015. 318: 19-25. (IF="2.974," Q2, Cited 39)

Jiang, M.M., Zhou, J.B., Chen, B., Yang, Z.F., Ji, X., Zhang, L.X., Chen, G.Q.. Ecological evaluation of Beijing economy based on emergy indices. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009.14(5): 2482-24.(IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 63)

Yang, Q., Chen, B., Ji, X., He, Y. F., Chen, G. Q.*. Exergetic evaluation of corn-ethanol production in China. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009. 14 (5): 2450-2461. (IF="4.26," Q1, Cited 80, ESI Highly Cited Paper)

Chen, G. Q.*, Jiang, M. M.色图, Yang, Z. F., Chen, B., Ji, X., Zhou, J. B.. Exergetic assessment for ecological economic system: Chinese agriculture. Ecological Modelling, 2009, 220(3): 397-410. (IF="2.974," Q2, Cited 43)

Chen, G. Q.*, Ji, X.. Chemical exergy based evaluation of water quality. Ecological Modelling, 2007, 200 (1-2): 259-268. (IF="2.974," Q2, Cited 45)



季曦、熊磊. 中国石油资源的钞票欠债表编制初探. 中国东谈主口·资源与环境. 2017年第6期. 

季曦、刘洋轩. 矿产资源钞票欠债表编制本事框架初探. 中国东谈主口·资源与环境. 2016年第3期. (援用61)

季曦、王小林. 碳金融翻新与“低碳扶贫”. 农业经济问题. 2012年第1期, 79-88. (援用21)

季曦、刘民权. 城市,东谈主与环境——“城市的可抓续发展”外洋考虑会综述. 经济科学. 2011年第1期. 

季曦、刘民权. 以东谈主类发展的视角看城市化的势必性. 南京大学学报(哲社版). 2010. 援用12

周宏春、季曦. 改良灵通30年中国环境保护政策演变. 南京大学学报(哲社版). 2009. 第46卷第1期, 31-40. (援用97)

季曦、李刚. 股东中国生态经济学恢复,助力中国生态漂后诞生——首届“生态经济学与生态漂后”外洋会议综述. 生态经济. 2020年第6期. 

季曦. 资源经济学学科综述. 中国经济学年鉴2010. 中国社会科学出书社. 2011.



公园城市应杀青城市当然属性和社会属性的搭救. 四川日报(想想周刊),2022年5月30日.

全球时势融资新趋势. 东谈主民日报. 2011年11月02日(22 版)外洋(经济透视)板块.

狼、羊,如何采选?东谈主民日报. 2008年12月21日.



《稳态经济新论》Herman Daly著. 东谈主民大学出书社. 2020年3月.



Dictionary of Ecological Economics. 2022. 参编

Xi Ji. (2020). Ecological economics in China: from origins, to inertia, to rejuvenation. In Costanza, R., J.D. Erickson, J. Farley, and I. Kubiszewski (editors). Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: 61-89.

《公园城市发展论说(2020)——发展新范式》(潘家华,陈蛇主编). 社科文件出书社. 2020年11月.(编委).

季曦,王小林. 低碳扶贫的机遇、挑战和政策提议. In 《利贫增长的群众政策参议》(中国外洋扶贫中心编). 中国财政经济出书社 .2012

中国发展论说2010:促进东谈主的发展的中国新式城市化计策. 东谈主民出书社.2011.(配景论说作家之一).




2023.01-2025.12 国度社科紧要专项,首席大家。




2013.06-2015.06 国度科技接济指标课题,产业升级与结构调遣的地盘配臵与调控本事参议(课题编号:2013BAJ13B03),子课题寂静东谈主。


2009.09-2010.07 中国博士后科学基金一等资助,资源环境问题的系统生态核算与调控机理参议(课题编号:20080440005)课题主抓东谈主。

2009.11-2010.07 中国博士后科学基金相等资助,基于环境核算的城市危急管制与生态调控(课题编号:200902016),课题主抓东谈主。

2014.12-2016.12亚洲设备银行, Market-based Eco-compensation Mechanisms in Beijing (ADB TA 8471-PRC),子课题寂静东谈主。

2011.07-2012.07 国度东谈主口计生委资助,国度东谈主口发展计策参议课题:主体功能区诞生配套东谈主口政策参议,课题主抓东谈主。

2010.01-2012.12 国度当然科学基金后生神志,城市资源-经济-环境搭救核算、模拟和调控(课题编号:70903005),课题主抓东谈主。

2010.01-2012.12 陶冶部东谈主文社会科学参议一般神志,城市碳排放计量以及低碳城市的评估体系(课题编号:09YJCZH005),课题主抓东谈主。

2021.01-今 蚂蚁参议院, 生态环境与时势变化下微不雅主体的经济决策调遣及生意风光变革,课题主抓东谈主。

2021.06-2021.09 中国当然资源经济参议院, 国有当然资源钞票论说和全民总共当然资源钞票欠债表编制,子课题寂静东谈主。

2018.07-2018.12 北京大学新农村发展参议院,杀青乡村绿色发展的新动力计策:栽植生物资能设备的社会、经济和环境效应,课题主抓东谈主。

2016.12-2018.12 绿色和平组织, 环境贬责与经济增长,课题主抓东谈主。

2015.12-2016.12德稻陶冶机构, 三亚市矿产资源钞票欠债表编制参议,子课题寂静东谈主。

2011.09-2012.09 中国外洋扶贫中心, 低碳扶贫的政策参议,子课题寂静东谈主。



2017年“SEM 2017 Global Conference” 大会,大会论说,会议地方: 韩国济州岛

2017年  the Biennial International Workshop "Advances in Energy Studies" , 分论坛论说,会议地方:意大利Napoli

2018 年 “The First Biophysical Economics Conference in China” 大会组织者和主抓东谈主,会议地方:中国北京

2019年“Ecological Economics and Ecological Civilization International Forum” 大会组织者和主抓东谈主,会议地方:中国北京

2020年“中国生态经济学年会”, 大会论说,会议地方:中国北京

2020年“中国生态漂后诞生论坛” 大会论说,会议地方:中国郑州

2021年 “Reimagining The Next Economy: Embedding human, natural, community and digital values ”, Panel Discussion



2021年“第五届社会观念生态漂后与社会生态转型博士生论坛” 特邀论说,会议地方:中国北京

2022年 “社会观念生态漂后经济”专题小组第三次会议暨“中国社会观念生态漂后参议小组”2022年学术年会,主题论说点评东谈主

2022年 中国石油大学 《迈向碳中庸:举止与挑战》碳中庸与动力翻新发展论坛,分论坛论说,会议地方:中国北京



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